We are incredibly sad to announce that Jon Patrick Gonzales, 28, took his final breath at 8:41 am on February 07, 2023. Jon was a very hardworking young man and U.S. Army Veteran. Jon began his military service career straight out of high school, quickly becoming a military policeman and was stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado. After his service to his country, Jon then became a policeman with the city of Fountain.
At the time of his passing, Jon was highly qualified General Foreman for Asplundh and was quickly working his way up the corporate ladder in the company. Jon was a loved father, brother, son, uncle, and friend to many. He enjoyed family, basketball, video games, hunting and fishing, as well as may other outdoor activities; although nothing compared to his love of being a father to his beloved daughter, Thalia.
Jon is survived by his daughter, Thalia Gonzales; mother of his child, Azure Anderson; mother, Kimberly Monter-Gates and step father, Jeff Gates; Father Jonathan Gonzales and step mother, Carolyn Gonzales; siblings, Presley and Heather Garcia; grandparents, Gil and Bertha Gonzales, Ann Monter, Lola Gates and Gladys Duncan. As well as many nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles and other extended family as well as friends.
Jon shared a special relationship with the son of Azure, Killian Anderson, and provided a father-type role to him, loving him as if he was his own child. Jon also shared an incredibly close bond with his best friend, Aaron Richardson, whom he viewed as a brother despite no blood relation.
We are very thankful for the time we were able to spend in Jon’s life and will cherish the memories forever.
Funeral Service will be Saturday, February 18, 2023, to be held at St. Peter Lutheran Church, located at 1811 Grande Ave, Monte Vista, Colorado 81144 at 11:00 am. Internment will take place at the Homelake Veteran Cemetery located at 3749 Sherman Ave, Monte Vista, Colorado 81144. Arrangements in care of Strohmayer’s Funeral Home of Monte Vista.